About University

The Arab Academics University for Science and Technology is a private university based on the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Yemen, with its headquarters in Sana'a | Faj Atan - Al-Hayat Al-Hayat - branching from the Haddah post office corner - opposite Asad Al-Kamel station. This is in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. (18) of 2020 issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Establishment University

With distinguished infrastructure, amazing labs, and workshops the Arab Academics University for Science and Technology was founded. It includes most fields of engineering with modern equipment including most modern laboratories and educational workshops. We are confident that the Yemeni cadre is capable of making a prosperous future that mimics his ancient civilization, which was the first in all aspects of life.

The Arab Academics University for Science and Technology was established by Ministerial Resolution No. (18) for the year 2020 AD on 02/03/2020 AD. The university includes two main colleges:
First: The College of Engineering and Information Technology contains seventeen, four-year post-secondary system programs as follows:
-Mechanical Engineering - Production Engineering and Minerals - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Control and Control Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electronics Engineering - Data Communications and Communications Engineering - Mechatronics Engineering - Medical Equipment Engineering - Civil Engineering - Architecture Engineering - Decoration and Design Engineering - Engineering Computer and Software - Computer Network Science - Computer Science and Programming - Information Systems Science.
Second: The College of Technical Engineering contains the following programs with a 4-year post-secondary system as follows:
- Mechanical Engineering Technology - Production Technology and Metal Engineering - Cooling and Air Conditioning Technology Engineering - Industrial Technical Engineering - Control and Control Technology Engineering - Electrical Technology Engineering - Electronics Technology Engineering - Data Communications Technology - Mechatronics Technology Engineering - Medical Equipment Technical Engineering - Engineering Civil Technology - Architectural Technology Engineering - Engineering Technology for Decoration and Design - Computer Technology and Software Engineering - Computer Network Technology Sciences - Computer Technology Science and Programming - Technology Science Information Systems.

Board of Trustees message

Dear students and students of the Arab Academics University, Welcome to the welcome of the Arab Academics University for Science and Technology, this university of technology and technology that carries all the flares of science, knowledge and modern and advanced laboratory equipment on the land of Yemen, the land of civilization and Iraq, hoping that you will find in your university everything you aspire to.

It is a pleasure for me to extend to you my sincere heartfelt congratulations to my dear students, on the occasion of the start of the new school year, wishing God Almighty to help you in your studies. All members of the teaching staff, assisting teaching staff, and university staff are serving their students to overcome all the difficulties that confront you, both the educational and administrative process in the university, in order to create an educated generation capable of taking responsibility and giving. I invite you to practice all activities, scientific participation, the technical and cultural process, and student elections in order to create in you university awareness, development, and community participation, and to make each of you students a valid brick so that the desired progress that we all aspire to in the bright future can be achieved.

I am absolutely certain that you will work hard to advance your university of technology and technology to raise its flag high in the skies of our dear Yemen to keep pace with the developments of the time and to compete with similar engineering and technical colleges at the level of our beloved Republic of Yemen. I also extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the wise young political leadership represented by His Excellency Dr. / Hussein Ali Hazeb - Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, for what he did in order to open this unique scientific edifice and what it provides of the needs of the university and overcoming all difficulties and creating the scientific climate It is suitable for students to study engineering, technology, scientific research, and serving the Yemeni environment and providing the needs of the local, Arab and international market. May God bless you for the good of our beloved Yemen.

University Staff

There is a distinguished academic cadre in the university with academic and technical expertise that has more than twenty years of experience in various fields of engineering academy and applied sciences and a distinguished administrative cadre with accuracy in performance and ability to keep pace with development.

University's President Welcome Message

We live these days in light of rapid scientific and technological developments, the effects of which have affected various aspects of our cultural, economic and social life, and have spread to various parts of the earth, north, south, east and west - urban and rural - female and male.
Education is one of the areas most closely related to these rapidly changing changes and developments globally, where education constitutes a tool for these developments and the extension of its words, which has made education a major field for the race between nations and peoples, and a practical measure of the extent and development of nations and peoples. One of the most important factors in planning and components of investment and an essential input for sustainable economic and social development is the interest in education at the individual or institutional levels - popular or government.

Young people are the group that bears the responsibility of carrying the banner of this development and its consequences, including the responsibility to raise the quality and level of education they receive to suit the current developments and the requirements of those developments. It is no longer possible after these developments and these responsibilities that our youth continue to learn traditionally that is not commensurate with their characteristics, inclinations and abilities, and does not correspond to the requirements of the current economic and social development, which creates with it a large gap between what is called supply and demand in society and the labor market, which results in it. More unemployment, social deviations and problems that young people fall into from poverty, illiteracy and loss.

And out of our deep belief in the precious value of our youth and their importance in developing our Yemeni society and its future development, and bearing our responsibilities in helping our youth to gain their right to a good education appropriate to their inclinations, abilities and requirements for the development of their society, which enables them to participate effectively in building a society based on knowledge and science, we are pleased to provide this guide to guide Our sons and daughters, male and female students, how to make the best choice for the future profession that suits their preferences and abilities, and what educational qualifications require in various stages, and how to do this with the least possible negative results. We wish everyone success and success ,,,

يسعدني الترحيب بكم في جامعة الأكاديميين العرب للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، هذه المؤسسة العلمية الرائدة التي اختارت الريادة والتميز منذ تأسيسها، وقررت أن تكون الجامعة الهندسية الأولى في اليمن، وهو ما تم، حيث أُنشأت كليتين، الأولى تعني بالهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والثانية تختص بالهندسة التقنية، وتم توفير أحدث المختبرات والورش الهندسية اللازمة لتزويد الطلاب بالمعارف والمهارات الأكاديمية والتقنية، وتعزيز قدراتهم على البحث العلمي والابتكار بما يضمن القدرة على المنافسة في سوق العمل المحلي والإقليمي والدولي على حد سواء.
 تسعى الجامعة إلى تبوء مكانة رفيعة على الصعيدين الإقليمي والدولي في ريادة التعليم الهندسي أكاديمياً وتقنياً من خلال تقديم تعليم متميز والسعي إلى تحقيق الجودة في منظومة التعليم والتعلم، بالإضافة إلى تطوير البرامج الأكاديمية والتقنية بما يتناسب مع متطلبات سوق العمل ويواكب التطور السريع في التكنولوجيا.
لا يسعني في الختام إلا أن أشكر أسرة جامعة الأكاديميين العرب للعلوم والتكنولوجيا على جهودهم المتواصلة بما يسهم في وصول الجامعة لمصاف الجامعات العالمية، متمنيا لهم ولطلبتنا التوفيق والنجاح، ولوطننا الحبيب التقدم والقوة والسداد.

والله ولى التوفيق..،،

رئيس الجامعة 
أ.د عامر محسن الصبري

The university possesses leadership in higher education academically, technically, technically and professionally, and excellence Arab and international in the quality of innovative scientific research to achieve sustainable development.

The Arab Academics University for Science and Technology seeks to provide high-quality quality programs in the academic, technical, artistic and professional fields that contribute to knowledge production and community service and link this to the needs of the labor market and development requirements, through educational curricula subject to quality systems and academic accreditation.

The university seeks to achieve the following goals:
1. To be a national and Arab representative and has expertise in its field of competence.
2. Enhancing the university's role in producing and transferring knowledge and skills to serve the community.
3. Strengthening the relationship between the university and the local community through visiting programs and establishing joint activities.
4. Providing all consulting and administrative services in accordance with the standards of quality, efficiency and transparency.
5. Setting programs to develop the capabilities of the faculty and staff at the university to improve their performance and provide the necessary incentives for that.
6. Strengthening scientific and cultural ties with Arab and foreign universities, scientific organizations, and research and development centers, in a way that helps the university develop and enhance its position
7. Developing knowledge by conducting scientific research in various fields of knowledge, whether at the individual or group level, and directing them to serve the needs of society and development plans.
8. That the university occupies the center stage in terms of offering scholarships to distinguished students and providing systematic programs aimed at honing skills and innovations and graduating specialized quality cadres.

The university seeks to achieve the following values:
1. Excellence in creating innovative and critical scientific thinking skills
2. Quality in the formation of a general culture aimed at developing the elements of knowledge and scientific personality
3. Leadership in acquiring the necessary scientific, technical, technical and applied knowledge and skills to harness problems effectively and efficiently.
4. Innovation in the formation of critical analytical scientific thinking skills through the development of positive trends towards science and technology and its rapid developments and how to benefit from all of this in developing and resolving issues of labor market requirements.
5. Equality in teaching and empowering the student with the methods and methods of conducting scientific research, applying and evaluating it.
6. Cooperation by developing positive talents and skills toward work in general, with a focus on developing teamwork, active leadership, a sense of responsibility, and commitment to professional ethics.
7. Loyalty by establishing a correct vision stemming from the comprehensive horizons of Islamic knowledge through loyalty to God and the homeland and its perception of the universe, man and life
8. Transparency through commitment to justice, credibility and objectivity in all fields and respect for intellectual property rights in accordance with the laws regulating this locally and internationally.